The “new builds” on the Hawkesyard Estate are reaching 10 years old and the common problems are starting to show. One regular call out DPJ Plumbing, Heating and Gas receive is “My Ideal Boiler is Leaking when the central heating/hot water is running”. The Ideal boilers installed on the Hawkesyard Estate, Rugeley suffer from a common issue of the Burner Sump hairline cracking in almost the exact location. This crack allows the condensation by-product of the burning process to leak into the boiler. This is why it only shows when the heating or hot water is running.

“It’s only a small bit of water, it can wait….”; we’d advise that you should get this seen asap. The condensate by-product from the combustion is acidic, which left to leak into the boiler will corrode the case and components. If a hole appears in the boiler case, this will stop the boiler from being room sealed appliance and potentially leak gases/fumes (Carbon Monoxide) into the room/house. If this was to happen it would most likely be more cost-effective to replace the boiler, which could be a big unexpected expense.
Luckily, Ideal boilers are usually pretty easy to repair. The Burner Sump is relatively straightforward to replace and a lot cheaper than replacing the whole boiler.
Regular boiler servicing would pick up the leak but the crack can form at any time and could appear between regular servicing dates.
This issue affects most Ideal boilers both Combi and System boilers.
If your boiler is leaking or needs repairing, you can contact us on; 07971693134 or dan@dpjplumbing.co.uk